adapted from a short film seligman made as an nyu
At times, I wonder why I made the move when I was bored and broke. I wondered why as I drove along a near empty parkway at night in Cary which has well kept landscaped medians. This is unheard of in New York. The 3 6 Buccaneers have been a mess this year piling up loads of yards on offense but giving up almost as many on defense. Their coach, Dirk Koetter, took over the play calling before Sunday's game for reasons he would not explain. And his offense thundered downfield for more than 50yards on each of their first four drives, only to come away with just three points. wholesale jerseys She's known as Qai Qai (pronounced kway kway) to Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., the 16 month old daughter of Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian, and to more than 88,000 people who follow her misadventures on Instagram. Often clad in a tutu and with a cast sometimes spotted on one of her limbs, she and Olympia are best buds. Williams and Ohanian (the Reddit founder who seems to h...